Unexpected Closing Dismissal Procedures

Please Make Sure Your Family File is Up-to-Date!

On January 29th, HCPSS had an unexpected 3-hour early dismissal due to inclement weather. We had many dismissal changes that weren’t supported with a note from home and/or didn’t match what is indicated in your Family File. Please note that going forward, we will dismiss your child in the manner you have indicated on your Family File for emergency closing. We will print a report at 10:00 a.m. on unexpected closing days to indicate how your child will go home. No changes can occur after that time.

Please use the guide below to update your unscheduled closing procedure. If your situation differs from what your Family File says, then you must provide a note with your student that morning. We will no longer be calling to verify dismissal procedures, so please make every effort to make sure your Family File is correct. Your child(ren)'s safety is of our utmost concern.
