MSDE School Report Card Results

Dear LES Families,

As you may have seen, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released a revised school accountability measure. The new MSDE School Report Card was created in alignment with ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) – a federal accountability standard initiated in 2015. The MSDE School Report Card considers multiple data points before ultimately assigning a star ranking (1-5) for every school in the state.

The Report Card provides broad insights into 4 categories of school measures…

  • Academic Achievement
  • Academic Progress
  • English Language Proficiency
  • School Quality and Student Success

Overall school performance is determined by a formulaic combination of these 4 categories. The combination of points, assigned by the state in each category, results in a percentage that is then associated with a school’s star ranking.

  • 75-100% = 5 Stars
  • 60-74%   = 4 Stars
  • 45-59%   = 3 Stars
  • 30-44%   = 2 Stars
  • >30%      = 1 Star

Lisbon Elementary School earned a percentage of 78% and was thus designated as a 5-star school by MSDE on the 2017-18 School Report Card. 

We are very proud of our school and this outstanding achievement. This MSDE Report Card is a reflection of the quality instruction of our teachers and staff, as well as the hard work of our students. Thank you for your partnership in our students' educational journey.  We will continue to work hard to ensure our continued growth and development as a school. 

For more information about LES' Report Card, and report cards from other schools/districts throughout the state, please visit  

Please feel free to contact the school should you have any additional questions.