From the Desk of the Principal

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Lisbon Elementary. I hope your summer vacation was perfect.  As we begin the 2018-2019 school year, I would like to welcome all of those students and families who are new to Lisbon Elementary. You've joined a vibrant, energetic school community where we hold our staff and students to high expectations while providing a learning environment that is healthy, safe and fun.

The beginning of the school year is an excellent time to establish or reestablish routines at home that will help your child remain successful in school. Designate a special area in your home where students may complete home assignments. Research indicates that well rested children perform better in school. Make certain that your child is in bed at a time that will allow her or him to have at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Please help your child begin the school day on a positive note by making sure that he or she is on time.  Our front doors open at 8:30 and all students are expected to be in their classroom before the 8:40 late bell rings. The LES staff and your child are counting on you to do your part to help make this year a success.

It was great to see so many of you at our Back-to-School Nights and Open House this week. I am very proud to be the principal of Lisbon Elementary and feel LES is such a great school because of the partnership between home and school.  The great turnout for our Ice-Cream with the Principal at Alex’s, our Pizza with the Principal this summer, both Back-to-School Nights and our Open House is evidence of that partnership.

I strongly encourage all of our parents to become active in our PTA.  This provides a great opportunity to volunteer, and most importantly, to partner with us in the education of your children.  Please join us for on Thursday, September 13th at 6:00 PM in the Media Center.


Here's to a productive and successful school year!

Debra Anoff, Principal



Congratulations, Lisbon Lions….. We have 95% of our students completed Emergency Files….. Our goal is to have 100% completion by the first day of school!

If you haven’t already please update your Family File. This must be updated every year and you must complete the entire update for the file to submit. If you need help, please call the office and ask to speak to Mrs. Drews. This file will allow you to receive report cards, interims, and even class placement of your child online. We are aiming for 100% completion rate by Tuesday, September 4th.
